Start by obtaining a DatePickerSettings object:
var datepicker = GetComponent<DatePickerSettings>();
Enumerating all the selected dates
var selection = datepicker.Content.Selection;
for(int i=0; i<selection.Count; i++)
DateTime t = selection.GetItem(i);
/// use t in any way you'd like
Selecting dates and ranges:
you can use any of the following methods to select dates and ranged programatically:
var selection = datepicker.Content.Selection;
selection.SelectOne(DateTime.Today); // selects the specified date and clears all the rest of the selection
selection.SelectRange(from,to); // selects the specified date range and clears all other dates from the selection
selection.AddDate(DateTime.Today); // adds a new date to the selection.
selection.RemoveDate(DateTime.Today); // removes a date from the selection if it is present
Quering the selection
selection.Contains(DateTime.Today); //returns true if the specified date is contained within the selection
selection.GetItem(0); // returns the first selected date. (this is useful when using singular dates)