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TextMeshPro Installation

If you wish to use TextMeshPro with Graph and Chart , go through the following steps:

1. Open the project tab and go to Chart And Graph/TextMeshPro

2. Unpack the TextMeshPro package

If you are using the lite or scientific version. Copy the script file to the lite or scientific version folder like in the image below:

3. The prefabs folder now contains two Text Mesh pro prefabs that can be modified
   duplicated and used just like any other text prefab in Graph And chart.

4. Locate the assembly definition file in Graph and Chart/Script, and assign a reference to the text mesh pro assembly


if for some reason the scripting reference has not been resolved for the prefab’s TextMesh scripts. You will see the following warning :

You can resolve this issue by going through these steps:

1. Remove all missing scripts from the prefabs

2. Add a new TextMeshPro-Text (UI) component to the prefab named TextMeshProCanvas

3. Add a new TextMeshPro-Text component to the prefab named TextMeshProWorldSpace

4. configure the text mesh pro components as you wish. Make sure they are justified: