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  4. Tutorial: Complete chart setup
  5. Step 3: Configuring the axis

Step 3: Configuring the axis

Go To the Axis tab of the chart inspector

Click on ‘Add New’ and select ‘Fixed divisions 2d’

Rename the new visual feature to ‘XDIV’

Configure the XDiv Component:

  • Set the Dimension to ‘X’ – this makes the divisions run along the x axis
  • Set the Gap Units to ‘2’ – this creates a division for every 2 units
  • Set the Max Divisions to ’20’ – when zooming out if the amount of visible divisions is larger then 20 , some divisions will be dropped so there are less then 20 visible divisions
  • Set the Line Thickness to ‘1’ – each division has a line thickness of 1
  • Assign the Line Material – the material used for the divisions

Create a similar feature named ‘YDIV’ and configure it in a similar way

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