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  4. Tutorial: Complete chart setup
  5. Step 5: Filling the chart with Data

Step 5: Filling the chart with Data

Create a new gameobject and name it ‘DataInitializer’

Create a Script and name it ‘TutorialDataLoader’

Write the following code into the script

public class TutorialDataLoader : MonoBehaviour
    public CanvasDataSeriesChart chart;
    void Start()
        var data = chart.DataSource.GetCategory("dataseries-1").Data;
        data.Append(0, 1);
        data.Append(1, 5);
        data.Append(2, 2);
        data.Append(3, 8);

Add the new script as a component to ‘DataINitializer’ and drag ‘dataSeriesChart’ into the ‘chart’ property

Click on the play button

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