Graph and Chart was designed with the idea of allowing maximum customization and flexibility to its users. For that reason , you can pass your own prefabs the charts. Using prefabs allows you to make your own changes to the chart items and without loosing any of the functionality of Graph and Chart.
The prefabs folder
Graph and chart comes with ready made prefabs that can be applied to your charts. These prefabs can also be the base for your custom create prefabs. the prefabs folder contains the following items:
- 3D Folder contains prefabs for use with 3D charts
- Bar contains prefabs for the 3D bar chart
- Graph contains prefabs that can be used with 3D Graph chart and with the 3D Radar chart. Dot prefabs are used for points in the graph and radar charts. Line prefabs are used to draw line paths in the graph and radar charts.
- Pie contains prefabs for the 3D pie chart
- Canvas contains prefabs that can be used with canvas charts , including the default prefabs for pie,bar etc.
- Hovers contains hover prefabs that can be used with canvas charts.
- Text contains text prefabs that can be used with axis and label component
Bar Prefabs
3D bar prefabs can be found at Prefabs/3D/Bar
- Circle Bar is a prefab for a cylinder bar
- Hard Edge Bar is a bar with hard edges
- Smooth Bar is a bar with the smoothed edges. see Prefab smoothing
- Very smooth Bar is a bar with smoother edges. see Prefab smoothing
- Stretch/Trim Bar are the default bar prefabs. For Stretch Bar the texture is stretched to fill the bar . For Trim Bar the texture is trimmed to match the height of the bar/
The default canvas Bar Prefab can be found at prefabs/canvas:
Pie Prefabs
3D pie prefabs can be found at Prefabs/3D/Pie :
- Pie is the default 3D pie prefab
- Pie Smooth / Pie Smooth Edge 1 / Pie Smooth Edge 2 are pie prefabs with smoothing applied on them. see Prefab smoothing
- PieNoShadows is the default 3D pie prefabs , but does not case shadows.
The default 2D pie prefabs can be found in prefabs/canvas :
Graph and Radar Prefabs
The 3D graph and 3D radar use the same prefabs. These can be found in Prefabs/3D/Graph:
- Fill is the default fill prefab for 3D graph charts
The dot prefabs folder contains the following prefabs:
- Boxed is a boxed shaped point prefab
- Rounded is a sphere shaped point prefab
The line prefabs folder contains the following prefabs :
- BoxLine is a boxed shaped line :
- Cylinder Line is shaped as a cylinder :
- Flat Line is a flat rectangular line :
- Renderer Line is a line created using unity3D’s line renderer
Hover prefabs
You can learn more about hover prefabs here :Hover Prefabs
The hover prefabs are located in prefabs/canvas/hover
- BubbleHover is the default hover prefab used with bubble graph items
- CandleHover is the default hover prefab for candle charts
- LineHoverXX are variations of hover prefabs that can be applied to lines in the graph and radar chart
- PointHoverXX are variations of hover prefabs that can be applied to points in the graph and radar chart
Creating your own prefabs
The best way to go about creating your own prefabs is to choose a prefab from the prefabs folder and duplicate it :
choose a prefab:
press ctrl+D:
You can now edit the new prefab and customize it.