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  4. Text Prefabs with lines

Text Prefabs with lines

Some text prefabs contain a line component:

This is a quick reference on how you can customize line text prefabs.

Start By duplicating one of the existing line prefabs

for example Prefabs/text/ExoTextLineBlack It already has the structure of a line text prefab.

Configure the text font

You can edit the Text Object inside the prefab. It is a simple UI Text

Configure the line

  • Point Material is the material used for the point at the end of the line.
  • Line Material is the material used for creating the line.
  • Length is the total length of the line
  • Gap is the gap between the line and the chart. Make it higher to create spacing between the line and the chart
  • Thickness is the thickness of the line
  • Point Size is the size of the point in the end of the line
  • Lines/Point/Text are references to the other objects within the prefab. It is best to duplicate an existing prefab and not configure these.