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  4. Hover Text

Hover Text

The hover text is a utility script that allows you to show a text he user hovers over a graph point. it can be found under script/utils/HoverText.cs

Notice: For an in depth explanation on how Hover Text is implemented , see Placing your own objects on top of charts

It is recommended that you use it instead of ItemLabels when possible. ItemLabels is more versatile and configurable however HoverText is light weight and performance friendly.

In order to use HoverText simply drag it into the graph game object as a component

You can set up a text prefab by choosing one from the prefabs folder

TextOffset controls where the text is created relative to the graph point. you can set to like this to have the text above the point:

Hover text is also a sample script that you can learn and enhance in order to place your own object on mouse hover. see it’s details in Placing your own objects on top of charts