scroll down for the written tutorial
The resulting scene and script from this tutorial can be found at Assets\Chart and Graph\Demos\Tutorials\Stream Graph
Start by setting up a graph chart in a similar way to the previous tutorial.
In order to add real time points , use the method AddPointToCategoryRealtime instead of AddPointToCategory. Realtime points can only be added at the end of the current data (their x value must be higher then previous data points). Add the following script to your graph feed object :
Note:Do not use StartBatch And EndBatch to batch realtime calls , this will only slow things down.
public class StreamingGraph : MonoBehaviour
public GraphChart Graph;
public int TotalPoints = 5;
float lastTime = 0f;
float lastX = 0f;
void Start()
if (Graph == null) // the ChartGraph info is obtained via the inspector
float x = 0f;
///// Graph.DataSource.StartBatch(); // do not call StartBatch for realtime calls , it will only slow down performance.
Graph.DataSource.ClearCategory("Player 1"); // clear the "Player 1" category. this category is defined using the GraphChart inspector
Graph.DataSource.ClearCategory("Player 2"); // clear the "Player 2" category. this category is defined using the GraphChart inspector
for (int i = 0; i < TotalPoints; i++) //add random points to the graph
Graph.DataSource.AddPointToCategoryRealtime("Player 1", x, Random.value * 20f + 10f); // each time we call AddPointToCategory
Graph.DataSource.AddPointToCategoryRealtime("Player 2", x, Random.value * 10f); // each time we call AddPointToCategory
x += Random.value * 3f;
lastX = x;
//// Graph.DataSource.EndBatch(); // do not batch reatlime calls
void Update()
float time = Time.time;
if (lastTime + 2f < time)
lastTime = time;
lastX += Random.value * 3f;
Graph.DataSource.AddPointToCategoryRealtime("Player 1", lastX, Random.value * 20f + 10f, 1f); // each time we call AddPointToCategory
Graph.DataSource.AddPointToCategoryRealtime("Player 2", lastX, Random.value * 10f, 1f); // each time we call AddPointToCategory
This code adds a few points in the Start method , and then times realtime point adds in the Update method. Notice that you can specify animation time to AddPointToCategoryRealtime calls .